Monday, June 7, 2010

Where in CO? June

Take a guess for a chance to win The 2009-2010 Colorado Grants Guide. Each month, we feature a photo taken during our travels around Colorado. Last month, we featured this photograph in honor of Colorado Archaeology & Historic Preservation Month of the Rio Blanco County Courthouse, built 1935 in Meeker. No one was able to guess the location of the photo.

For this month's "Where in Colorado?" we are inviting guesses on a photo from a different part of Colorado.


  1. Castlewood Caynon

  2. Is this Castlewood Canyon near Franktown?

  3. Cerebra Palsy Association of Colorado SpringsJune 10, 2010 at 3:27 PM

    Our guess is Castlewood Canyon near Franktown.
