Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Reading List: Social Media
Giving Sector Should Invest In Social Media, From the Stanford Social Innovation Review
For Baby Boomers: The Joys of Facebook, From the New York Times
To Nonprofits Seeking Cash, Facebook App Isn't So Green, From the Washington Post
Nonprofit Social Network Survey Report, From Nonprofit Technology Network
All Twittered Out? From the New York Times
Engaging Younger Donors: A Toolkit for Success, From Community Shares of Colorado (good resources section)
Online Advocacy Case Study: From The Agitator philanthropy blog
Will email fundraising die? From The Agitator philanthropy blog
Where in Colorado?

We are going to start covering some of these trips on this blog, Around Colorado with CRC, because we learn something interesting about nonprofit management, best practices, or collaboration each time we hit the road and we want to share this information with our colleagues across Colorado.
We will also be featuring a monthly "Where in Colorado?" piece of trivia in our e-newsletter, the E-Line, based upon our recent travels. We are starting with an easy one (no cheating via Google). The first person to correctly identify the location of the photo (above) by posting the location below will receive a free copy of CRC's to-be-released toolkit, Fundraising: Essential Strategies for Fundraising Success During an Economic Downturn.
Any ideas?
Monday, April 27, 2009
The Reading List
Philanthropy's Information Revolution: "The Googlization of philanthropy is about organizing knowledge to allow for smarter giving by more people. Most important, the Googlization of philanthropy means that organizing the information will not be done by the information creators, but by third parties and — excitingly — the people who want to consume that information." From the Chronicle of Philanthropy via the Tactical Philanthropy Blog
Helping Themselves: "With fewer donations and declining investments, nonprofits are thinking creatively about cutting costs and raising revenue." From the Wall Street Journal
Giving Sector Needs to Adapt to the Economic Crisis: "Three new studies underscore the need for givers and nonprofits alike to change the way they operate." From the Stanford Social Innovation Review
Madoff Scandal Provides Painful Lesson in Board Investment Policymaking: "Nothing absolves the board from its single most important responsibility as a fiscally accountable body of trustees – that of acknowledging the responsibilities that come with being a beneficiary of the public trust." From BoardSource